
Care for a laugh?

by  |  earlier

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A customer left his cell phone in a store, The store keeper scrolled through the saved numbers, stopped at "Mom" and called.

The customer's mother answered, and he told her what had happened.

"Don't worry," she said, "I'll take care of it."

A few minutes later, the cell phone rang. It was "Mom."

"Melvin," she said, "you left your cell phone at the convenience Store."




  1. It was very good once it had happend with me also............

    and Iaughed very much

  2. haha lol! really funny thx 4 posting!:P

  3. hahahha is that forreal!!!!???

  4. was great!

  5. i don't get it.

  6. haha! congrats! you just made very cranky ole me laugh out loud! a star 4 ya! that was such a typically mommy thing to do...

  7. lmao. i bet she was a blonde

  8. Haha sweet old mom trying to help out.

  9. Every day in the office Sandra goes to the coffie machine for her break and stands and chats....Every day around the same time....Keith walks up to Sandra, he smiles, takes a big deep breath and says "Mmmmm your hair smells nice today Sandra" then walks off....

    this happens every day for a week or so and eventually Sandra has had enough....

    after he'd done it again on the monday, Sandra went to the personel department and said "i'd like to report a sexual harrassment claim"

    Quite shocked the personel officer asks on what grounds!?

    Well says Sandra, every day he comes to the coffie machine inhales and says"Mmmm your hair smells nice today Sandra"

    "well" said the personel officer, thats hardly sexual harrssment now it is it!!"

    "yes" said Sandra....."Its Keith the F****ing Dwarf!"..............

  10. hahahahahahahaa!!!!!!!!! that was funny!

  11. lol good one

  12. lol that should be a blonde joke

  13. LOL! That just made my g*y! Thanks for posting- star for you!

  14. lol!

    good one!

    thanks for posting!

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