
Career Changer with Resume Challenges!

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I am making a career change from accounting to Elementary Education. I am having trouble with my resume and how much accounting exp. to include (20 years and lots of moves). I have subbed for 3 years and have a good relationship with local schools and a special ed long term to include. I'm just not sure how much is too much!?




  1. As a rule...employers generally only want the last ten years of employment, explaining any gaps. If they need more information than that, they will ask for it on the application.

    As far as your resume, be sure to include the subbing.

    When you do your resume, you should name the employer, and then give a few examples of the type of work you did.

    For subbing, I would include any long term or special assignments.

    Hope that helps.

  2. Don't you need to be certified by a college to teach? If you've done that, and subbed, and had a real-life job, that should put you at the top of the pile. Have you also tutored or worked a lot with kids (big family, neighbors, church etc)?

    Good luck and enjoy your new career.

  3. I agree about the last 10 years rule.

    I would list which county you subbed for and then maybe on another page list the schools that you subbed for/have the best relationship with and list the grades/classes you subbed for.  **I'd put this on a separate sheet to save space on your main resume**

    Luckily for you, you've subbed recently so you'll have some recent experiences in a classroom to talk about.

    *I've sat through interviews with people who switched into teaching, but had no experience so they had no idea for any of the questions we asked them.

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