
Career Choices?

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I am at a loss for what I want to do for a career, and am in high school a little less than a year before we have to submit applications to colleges and/or go over our major interests with my schools career center councelor. I really have no clue what I want to be and was hoping maybe you all can give me some suggestions? I'm a pretty quiet person but can work with people(like group working, or presenting w/e)with little problem. I'm not very good in math (med-high b average) and excell tremendously in english (4 100%s this past year) and science (high a average). I don't mind kids, animals, basic things like that and can listen good and wouldn't mind being a boss or being bossed. I really don't think extensively about one thing(unless the situation calls for it), I just act.

So any careers that my personality would fit that you know of?

Thank you :)




  1. try to go to these sites. it will really help.

    i hope i helped!!!!!   P.S. i have never been best answer so i really want to try it out. plz choose me!

  2. Explore your options with the Occupational Outlook Handbook.

    After pursuing an undergraduate education (in any subject area) consider becoming a librarian.  Spending time with a professional person in their workplace is a good way to get familiar with what your day to day work might be like.  I would do this in a variety of settings over the next several months.

    Good luck!

  3. You could search career tests on yahoo and then do a few of them and see what they say...though I have found most of them kind of pointless. But if you really don't know what you want to do for sure don't worry about it too much. You can always apply to college and start by just taking your general ed, and a couple classes dealing with diffrent things you might be interested in, and maybe voulenteering at a couple places, and then you may have a better a idea of what you want to do. I'm 20 and had no idea what i wanted to do until like a year ago. I just took general ed classes and tested the water in a few other "career" type classes. I have changed my mind on what i want to do so many times in the lasy year or so. But since I didn't tie myself down, now that I know what I want to do I'm taking classes for it and since I got all my general ed out of the way I'll have my degree as soon as i'm done witht these classes. Just don't worry to much about it. Try to think of 3 or 4 things you might like to do, een if you think you may not be able to do it, then read up about those things, and see if there may be something you can do right now like if your thinking vet, try to voulenteer at a vets office. Good luck!!

  4. You might want to consider being an English major, or possibly even being a dog trainer (sorry, I just thought from the photo on your profile you might like that). I'm in the same situation and have decided to go to Jr. College before applying to any 4 year colleges. Think about what your favorite hobbies are and try to go from there. For me, I like taking pictures and designing posters and stuff, so I'm considering graphic design, although I'm not decided. That's what I'm doing as of right now, and remember this: most college students change their major 2-4 times before deciding what to finally do. Hope I helped and good luck with everything!!

  5. There are lots of things for you!  You need some career and college planning, and your high school should be offering this.  Many science majors do require math, but not as a focus (meaning you can get through it).   Actually, you sound like an ideal candidate for a high school science teacher--a position that will be in high demand by the time you reach that point.  Social work might also appeal to you, as might something dealing with the environment.  

    The first two years (with some exceptions) of college are general education requirements anyway--English (and usually literature), math (usually through pre-calculus and sometimes just applied), social sciences (psychology, political science, geography),  history (and/or religion, performing arts), language (foreign language required in most programs) and sciences (with at least one lab).   You have plenty of time to zero in on a specific program, although for the sciences you need to start earlier (and it may require through calculus).  Life sciences (biology and others) would be probably better than the physical sciences, which require a lot more math.

  6. Well, a good career choice for you may be Speech Pathology, Physical Therapy, or Occupation Therapy.  Also, there is a tremendous need for nurses as well as teachers in math or science.  If you major in teaching with an emphasis in science or math, then the last two years of college, you can receive a grant (for up to 10,000 a year, I believe) as long as you promise to teach in an impoverished area for a couple of years.  After that, you are free to teach wherever you please.  The government will also forgive most of your student loans if you have them during college.  I am a Speech Pathology major, and I really enjoy it.  There isn't much math, a great deal of science, and English is important, of course, because you have to write research papers.
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