I'm finishing an MA in English and looking for PhD programs. I definitely want to be a professor in the long run! BUT, the job market is not favorable and it will be nearly impossible to procure a tenure position in the exact location I desire (SoCal.)
I have read that the secondary school market in California (and the entire U.S.) is very lucrative, especially with TESOL. (Teaching English to students who aren't native speakers.)
Even though the PhD and being a professor can pay far more in the long run, I'm tempted to go ahead and get secondary credentials for California because it would be far easier to find a position.
Basically, I can rack up more debt and earn more in the distant future after a potentially long job search, or I can rack up less debt and be employable rather quickly with lower salary.
I would consider the credentials a stepping stone to earn the money and experience for a top PhD program.
English majors... any thoughts on this plan?