
Career advice for a mature graduate...

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I'm 33 and graduated last year in media. I've been working as a PA for 8 years and have done some voluntary work in theatre and communications at my work place.

My dilemma is I don't know what I should do as a next step. I feel too old to do internships and graduate programmes (am I wrong in thinking this?) I am interested in production, but don't have any experience. All the entry level jobs are really low paid and they want experience too.

I also at a crossroads because I'll be getting redundancy (severance pay) in about 6 months so I'll have a bit of spare cash. So this could be a good opportunity, but I am scared witless that I'm going to s***w it up or waste the money because I don't have a plan or focus.

My interests are varied - I'm into the arts, production, media broadcast, culture...I just don't know where to focus my energy and I'm worried my time is running out :o(




  1. Take it from someone who started her own business in a new field at the age of 49, your time isn't running out! That was 4 years ago, and it's the best career move I've ever made!

    As a recent graduate, you will need to start at the bottom of whatever career ladder you choose. You don't automatically get to skip steps, just because you're older. But, you'll progress faster than your peers, because of your life and work experience. So definitely consider internships and graduate programs in the field. They provide excellen on-the-job experience, and even better industry contacts. They are just an extension of your schooling.

    Go with your heart -- what you are really, really interested in. Life is too short, and you've worked too hard, to give up on your dreams!

    You're in a great position right now. With the redundancy, you can afford to take an entry-level job that pays less, but provides opportunity for advancement and experience in your field.

    Here's the best career advice I ever received: If you knew for a fact that whatever course you choose would work out, which one would you choose? That's where your heart is, and that's what you should do. I know you'll do a great job.  

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