
Career advice?ive just got my gcse results?

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i got an double A* in science and in the rest of my subjects i got B's(yh preety dissapointing) oh yh and 1 C in geog these are the a-levels ive picked




PE what future carrer do you think i should oursue, i'm intrested in medecine, veterinary science but must uni's want 5 a's at gcse, i know i can get AAB in a-level sorry let me rephrase that i WILL get that because im gona work my bum off, any tips on what career i shoud pursue




  1. Go for medicine or the veterinary work. Before you are accepted though \I believe they will want a better standard of English than you display in your question. Another carrcareerPharmacy or chemical engineering. They too will require good English.

  2. Wow, you sound like a very determined individual! I hope you get the grades you're looking for.

    Um, I'd decide kind of soonish whether you want to go into veterinary science or medicine. They're both difficult to get into but you have to study veterinary science for longer. Deciding WHERE you want to study is just as important as WHAT...Edinburgh does a really good medicine course and probably won't ask for the sort of crazy grades UCL or Cambridge do.

    If in doubt, give one of the universities you're into a call & have a chat. You can also arrange to pop along for an interview, which would be a good opportunity to get the answers you want. Things like GCSE grades aren't all that important to university tutors, provided you get good A-levels and come across as an intelligent, enthusiastic person willing to learn more.

    Good luck!

  3. Umm... Maybe a doctor? But you could specialise in athletic/sporting injuries.

    Congrats on the GCSE grades, by the way. You did better than me, lol.


  4. Don't stress about not getting the results you expected - if you do get good A-level results no-one will care about your GCSE results.

    You also don't need to stress yet about what career you want to go into.  Certainly it's good to think, but if you've chosen your A-level courses already and this choice isn't going to be affected by what you might do in the future, then you don't need to decide right away.

    Vetinary science could be a good career if you're truly interested in animals.  It's not a career for those, in my opinion, who like the scientific aspects but don't enjoy the contact with animals.  They're unable to be compassionate and so on.

    You could do medicine, and remember that there are lots of branches of it.  You don't have to just be a GP, you could be a specialist in any one of a number of different areas.

    What about physiotherapy?  I only mention that because you are taking PE, so I assume you have some interest in sport.  You can make a lot of money if you set up in private practice and maybe even meet famous sportspeople.

  5. GCSE's mean nothing i'm afraid. Its a fact!

    the UK study curriculum is one of the worst i've ever seen.  What they teach here at GCSE level to 16 yr olds is what get taught to 12 year olds in the far east.

    you'll need a minimum of a 2.1 degree to even get a chance on a worthwhile career ladder.

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