Hi to anyone who may be able to help,
Where do I go with my life, what do I do Career wise, do I go to University straight after I finish school or do I take a gap year, my one big concern is that if I take a year off I may not want to return to studying.
But that's not the big choice in my life, I need help deciding what career path to go down, and I am aware the it isn't all served out on a silver platter and I have to work at things to get to where I want to go, but I have no idea where to go and what to do.
I enjoy media (directing, producing) the behind the scenes work, I've had a hand in acting, But it was certainly a career path I wanted to pursue, not the acting but the production side.
Ok so I answered one of my questions now this, how do I pursue such a career choice, though maybe somewhat unrealistic I would love to study overseas, would anybody know of any good universities in America/England or anywhere else? Or even here in Australia?
Thanks for your time