
Career choice/Life choice?

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Hi to anyone who may be able to help,

Where do I go with my life, what do I do Career wise, do I go to University straight after I finish school or do I take a gap year, my one big concern is that if I take a year off I may not want to return to studying.

But that's not the big choice in my life, I need help deciding what career path to go down, and I am aware the it isn't all served out on a silver platter and I have to work at things to get to where I want to go, but I have no idea where to go and what to do.

I enjoy media (directing, producing) the behind the scenes work, I've had a hand in acting, But it was certainly a career path I wanted to pursue, not the acting but the production side.

Ok so I answered one of my questions now this, how do I pursue such a career choice, though maybe somewhat unrealistic I would love to study overseas, would anybody know of any good universities in America/England or anywhere else? Or even here in Australia?

Thanks for your time





  1. online tutorings-

  2. Hey Steph,

    I'm in the exact same situation. I am considering doing the Australian Defence Force Gap Year or whether I should go straight to Uni. I don't know what I want to study, but I want it to be internationally based, so that I can work overseas.

    I'm not sure where abouts in Oz you live, but i'll try to help regardless :-). There are many careers involved in media production. These can include, public relations, Film and Television Camera Operators, Film and Television Editors, Producer's Assistant, Lighting Operators, or a Film, Stage and Television Director. You mentioned that you are interested in this area... so i'll elaborate a bit.

    In Australia there are many options for directing. You can do certificate courses. Some examples are:

    Gold Coast Institute of TAFE - Cert III in Screen

    Sunshine Coast Institute of TAFE - Cert lll or IV of Screen

    (This course is offered in many states)

    Diploma Courses are also available in Screen, Film and Television or Digital Video production. Most well recognised universities or TAFE institutes offer this.

    Your best bet would be to do a degree. Nearly all Universities offer this in the form of a Bachelor of Arts (majoring in film studies or film, screen and media studies), Bachelor of Communications, Bachelor of Film and Screen Media Production or Bachelor of Fine Arts (Film and Television).

    Competition for jobs is very high, and interstate and/or overseas experience is often needed to enhance employment prospects. This is one of the reasons I suggested going through University. A lot of Universities (especially the big ones in the state you live in) offer Global Opportunity (GO) programs or Overseas study. This is when you complete at least 12 courses in your degree and spend at least a semester overseas. This is offered to American Universities, English, Latin, etc etc. The opportunities are endless.

    Anywho, hope it helps. :-) I'd try Australian National University, Queensland University of Technology, or Griffith University. They all offer degrees in the film industry and you can study a bit overseas if you wish.

    Good Luck :-) I hope this helps. Like I said, I too am looking at my options and getting into the international area. At least it sounds like you've decided what you want. You're one step further than me lol.

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