
Career choice dilemma?

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I am really stuck between two career choices:nursing and teaching. I have wanted to be a nurse since I can remember but now since college is getting closer, I am not quite sure. I have thought about a teacher as well, but I am not sure about that either....? I know I am supposed to choose what is best for me but I am soooo lost!!!! :(




  1. I have a friend who is a nurse and she also teaches nursing classes at the local college. This way she can teach what she knows best!

  2. Spend a few semesters taking some of the pre-reqs of each major. Really think about what would make you happier in the long run. There are pros and cons to both. You don't have to decide your major just yet. Take some courses and see what you get a better fit of. you may even change your mind to something else once you get to college.

  3. Plesase don't get stuck doing something you won't be happy with later because it will be too late that is my problem but you can prevent the same.  Its as simple as which one makes you the happiest its that easy.
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