
Career choices, which one?

by Guest62267  |  earlier

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I like houses and stuff and I want to be able to like build houses or I want to be a pilot.. But I know that there's like the housing slump or whatever and would it get better?

And my dad says that they're cutting back on pilots so..




  1. I like think that you like could be a like English teacher.

  2. There two very different jobs, and to though both have negatives sides to get into them right now, it doesn't mean it will be like that when your ready to enter the work force.  If you like to build houses your can go to school to be an architect, rather than just a local builder, design buildings, there are plenty of those jobs.  If you want to be a pilot, they are cutting back on commercial pilots, but that doesn't mean you can't work for a private company or for Fed Ex (Co. like that).  You could also consider joining the military and be a pilot w/them.  Ultimately we can't answer this for you, you have to do what you feel will satisfy you.

  3. builder

  4. This is really a question only you can answer. What you should do is sit down and take some time putting together a list of things you like to do but also things you don't like to do. From that, start doing research into positions that have those job responsibilities. You will probably be surprised with the types of jobs that will come up.

    Below I sited a link that may be useful in helping you figure out what you want to do.

  5. Well,

    As per my concern, At present there is  lot of chances in infrastructure area.So aspiring in building developer and planner would give better opportunities.

    For becoming pilot, besides educational background good healthy and strong physique required.

    if let us know ur basic educational background then better choice may come out.

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