
Career goals for a teacher?

by Guest67075  |  earlier

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  1. Advanced skills teacher (supporting other teachers with a specific subject)

    Headship (running the school)

    Special Needs Co-ordinator (co-ordinating the provision for special needs within the school)

    In addition to this, many more experienced teachers work in an advisory role to schools.  Becoming a lecturer.

    There are also many sub-levels of the management team and subject co-ordination that less experienced teachers can apply for.

  2. To reach as many students as I can everyday and every year.  My main goal is to never become one of those teachers who teaches just because it's all they know.  

    My second goal is to continue my learning so I can be a more effective teacher.  To me, this means getting my MSE and/or becoming National Board Certified.

    Being positive influence to future teachers who come to my room as student teachers and helping out first year teachers as a Pathwise Mentor.

  3. Goals...

    First, my goal is to reach as many students as I can.  When I am teaching, my goal with my students is to show them that they can love learning.  When a parent tells me that their child loves to come to school, I've reached that goal.

    Second, another goal I have as a teacher is to turn kids on to reading.  Similar to above, when a parent tells me they finally had the "flashlight" moment - where they caught their child reading with a flashlight after lights out, I am thrilled.

    As far as advancing in my career, another goal I have is to teach other teachers - methods classes - they are called at the local university.  That is something I could do one night a week while still teaching in the classroom.

    I also would love to be a teacher consultant - helping new teachers with their first year of teaching.  This too, I could do in the classroom our out of the classroom.

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