
Career help for a high-school student?

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okay well i am only in 9th grade, but all of a sudden i am having intense thoughts about careers. I don't know what i want to be when i grow up!!!!! And i heard in my high school that by grade 11, you should know your career. I've asked my teachers/guidance counselor and based on my strengths they suggest i should be a writer/author, or a politician.

However, i want a career that has something to do with children, like a pediatrician (children's doctor- my brother is a doctor too) . The thing is , i don't know if i am good enough to be a doctor because rite now i don't have lots of interest in math & science, mainly physics. What should i do? Should i follow my dream? Or stick with only what i am good at?




  1. Ok, slow down.

    Right now your in the 9th grade. Your not expected to know your future career yet, so don't worry. Plus, you will discover your complete strengths by the 11th grade. You probably don't even know what you are actually good at. You haven't experienced many things yet.  It takes time to discover what your truly capable of doing or becoming and high school provides enough oppurtunities/experiences for you to discover that over the years.

    Moreover, if you think you will be better off pursuing a career in something which best resembles your interests, such has something to do with children, then stick to this choice and see whether or not its suitable for you over the next four years of high school.

    You don't have interest in math and sciences right now; but, who knows, maybe you will begin to like it this year (never know).

    But, i highly recommend that you take the time to figure out what your actually good at. Don't rush it!

    Good luck

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