
Career in Anthropology?

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I was interested to go into the anthropological career path, but my school career center has no information that could help.

I attend a Cegept in Quebec.

At the moment i see two Options The university of Magill or Toronto. Are there any Anthropologist and more preferably archaeologist who can give me a helping hand by informing me of some options??




  1. I was an archaeologist for 9 of the most boring and poor months of my life. There is no future in archaeology unless you are a professor. There is no money in it. I know you think, like I did, that as long as your happy money does not matter. Well, that will quickly change when you are constantly broke and pay for an apartment that you never live in. If you have a true interest in archaeology/anthropology, consider going for a minor in it and study a more marketable skill. Trust me, you will be better off.

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