
Career in Industrial Engineering?

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Now I'm a little confused (well a lot) on the profession of an Industrial Engineer. What exactly do they do? What is their work environment? What skills are needed to do well in this career? I'd really appreciate those in the engineering field to help out and no wikipedia answers plese. Thanks




  1. hey- im studying industrial engineering in ireland. i agree im a little confused as well.

    but in the college im in the renamed the course "Engineering with Management". it is a good degree because in first year is it exactly the same course work as mechinical engineering.

    It gives you a broad varity of possible jobs.  eg. quailty engineer. you can go into mechincal jobs but you will have the skills of management. also you could work in the business world.

    Maths isnt as hard as Mechincal nor is the Physics. but business plays an important part in the course.

    hope i was of help

  2. Industrial Engineering is an engineering carrer that caters to management and planning (it will depend on the decipline you be in later). Just a simple example, in construction before you start to initiate the project theres a lot of planning and management ralated jobs that has to be be done...this are the expertise of the Industrial Engineers (planning and project management). As you may know they are trained to think and work like an engineer but act as an executive.

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