
Career or love?

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Career or love?




  1. its always love

  2. id rather have love, but a career is VERY important!

  3. career baby!

  4. Love can make you feel like a whole person but it can not support you.  Your Career is more important.

  5. Career

    money can't buy love but i sure get some nice stuff

  6. Love then life

  7. Get an education and you can have both...

  8. I want BOTH! :-)))

  9. a bit of both

  10. love, but its like money or love, you wanna say love, you'd like to think you'd pick love, but love dont make the world go round, money does unfortunately.

  11. career

  12. LOVE

  13. Career = Money = Material = ♥

    Love = Cheaters = Liers = Manipulation = x Broken Hearted x

    I'd pick the Career, Love is simply a chemical in a persons brain, and nothing last forever, so why not lavish ones self with as much materials as possible.


  14. I would rather have love.

  15. Why not make a career out of being a hot lover.

  16. Carreer is great and fun but if you dont have LOVE in your life it becomes boring and pointless! love love love
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