
Career that involves traveling and helping the less fortunate?

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I am now in high school and stuck on what I want to be when I get older. I still have time but I would like to do something that involves traveling to different places around the world and helping the less fortunate. I would mostly like to work in Africa. What careers involve that? And what classes in high school and college would be best for me to take? What is the average pay they get? What are the advantages and disadvantages involved with a career like that?

alot of questions I know. Hah.

Any suggestions would be helpful.




  1. Check out the Peace Corps!  I believe one must obtain a college degree to now qualify-but these folks do Alot of Good in Alot of places !!!!  Good Luck !!!

  2. i agree with everyone the Peace Corps seem like the best answer.

  3. As far as college is concerned, I would suggest getting an International Affairs degree... it will provide you with a broad curriculum that can really help you understand how the world works and why things happen the way they do.  You can take courses specific to foreign engagement, human rights, political economy, third-world development, etc.  Also consider specific area studies degrees such as Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia etc.  Also, you will hear it a million times, but try as hard as you can to learn a second or third language...especially one that you can use in your area of interest.

    Another career to consider it the US State Department as a Foreign Service Officer.  You have to pass a test in order to become one, but you will become in essence an agent of the US Department of State and you can really make a difference in the lives of those abroad.

    Finally, there are businesses that carry out foreign aid contracts for the US State Department.  An old roommate of mine worked for one of em, and he traveled a lot and helped a lot of people.  Just a few things to consider...

  4. The Peace Corps costs you no up-front money.

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