The biggest thing I ever wanted to become was a cop, but I have that feeling and from answers on here that I would not be cut out for it. So I will not pursue that line of work. Some say I am being hesistant, others say that I can't be a police officer just to enforce the laws on the roads and give tickets and some say since I'm asking about the academy's level of difficulty alot that maybe I am not cut out for it. But anyways, I wanted to know what other great careers, besides a police officer, I can get with with a criminal justice degree? I would like to do something in the line of what a police officer does. I don't really care what others say about this, but I really believe that when you are in the line of work of a police officer, you get respected, trusted, and I believe its a job of recognition and its rewarding. Maybe the ones that say you don't get this is unhappy with their profession or they live in an area with grumpy people, I don't know. Take care and god bless all.