
Careers in psychology?

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my current plan is to get a bachelors in psych and go from there. Can anyone give me information, perhaps those who have a bachelors in psych? Any information will help. One more question, when you are in the process of getting the psych degree, how much physiology and statistics are involved vs. learning about consciousness on a cognitive level? Thank you




  1. You can't do much with just a B.A. Except the sort of jobs that require a college degree but don't really care what it is.

    If you go into clinical psych you'll do a lot more of the "hard" science type of stuff.

    Applied is more about the cognitive, actually dealing with patients, but it's looked down on a little, as a "soft" science, despite a need for psychologists who actually see patients and don't just teach, or write in journals.

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