
Careers similar to...?

by Guest57280  |  earlier

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After much research, I've realized that the general field I wish to enter is not particularly lucrative. I am very interested in physics and astronomy, and according to many sites, the average wages for the two fields are in the $90-100k range, but many actually note that wages often begin lowly (like $50k) and SLOWLY build. After more research, I found that these fields pose problems like low job availability and the lengthy period of time one must attend school [which is fine, but] produces these aforementioned low wages for a moderately lengthy period of time. However, I am so interested in this and would like to know about any similar occupations that have better job availability and build permanent (more or less) wages more rapidly? The wages I would like to earn are: ~$90k [or more]. This figure is obviously not directly post-doctorate, but sooner than the seemingly long amount of time it could take for a(n) [astro]physicist. Thanks in advance.




  1. The real difficulty that you have is that most of the fields related to physics and astronomy are somewhat low-paying jobs.  Astronomers have basically two job options: work for the government or work for a university (sometimes both).

    My first recommendation is to consider Medical Physics.  This is the field dealing with medical x-rays, MRIs, CT scans, etc.  The pay is very good, but keep in mind that you will also have to pay malpractice insurance.

    My second recommendation is to consider something in computers or engineering.  I have two close friends who are both very interested in astronomy.  One of them works as a computer specialist for a large university.  This allows him to do some work with the physics and astronomy department, such as setting up their telescope for remote observing.

    My other friend works as an electrical engineer for a company that does astronomical research.  He also gets to work closely with astronomers.

    Good luck!

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