
Careers that can be pursued w/ a degree in communications and sociology?

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i want to major in those things but have no idea what my options would be




  1. Counselling? Current affairs researcher? Interviewer?

  2. Criminology is an extremely useful degree, and can lead to careers in law enforcement, forensics, jail/prison guards/works, crime statistician, FBI, CIA, etc. But keep your criminal record clear, or else your degree will not be able to save you.

    Sociology is a general degree. There was probably a higher relative demand for "sociologists" in the 1960s and 1970s than there is today. But the degree has such wide applicability. It is ideal for people who want to get into media (but not as in-demand as a degree in "communications" or "media studies" or "media marketing").  Also, you could ostensibly be a social worker (although there is a more specialized "social work" degree available today).

    Not to depress you, but I have a B.A. in sociology, and it has not been a path to riches for me. That's why I am currently getting a Master's in Business Administration.

    No one ever told me this, but a degree is not a free pass to a good job. Keep your credit clean, and don't get in trouble with the law - it will erase the advantages of a degree in many states.  Volunteer at your school, and complete an internship - these internships are not always posted in obvious places. Keep your eyes open, and grab every opportunity you can. Don't rely on the "wisdom" of your peers - has done me more harm than good. Don't relax, don't take it easy - go out and get it. If a  professor needs a research assistant - be their research assistant.

    Poverty is not a virtue - help eliminate it by making sure you don't end up in it, first. Then and only then help others. An empty sack (wallet) can't stand up on its own.

    If I had followed all of the advice above, I would be in better shape in life.

  3. communications could be either  electronics based, language based or a drafting field

    Sociology makes a good addition to any of the above degrees

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