
Caring for my Grandmother?

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My Grandma and I have a speacial bond.. We shair the same birthday and everything. I am 25 and have a family of my own but here is what has happened... My Grandma had congestive heart failure and several strokes a few years back and she has parkinsons as well. Ever sense that happened she could no longer take care of herself. So her children decided (Because it has always been her wish NOT to go to a nursing home.) that they would pay someone to take care of her. They found a woman who is 85 and cant physicaly do anything but make her meals and walk with her to the potty. She cant give her a bath, cant changer her sheets, cant pick her up if she falls. Well then my Grandma ran out of money to take care of this. So we moved my Grandma into my mothers house. My mom works by traveling. She makes ok money but it is all going to Grandma's care and her bills. She has no retirement or anything and cant save because of taking care of Grandma... My sister lived with my mom up untill 4 weeks ago when she moved out. My brother was here for 3 more days then he went to Prison for not meeting his probation agreement. So I had to move in to take care of Grandma. Thats perfectly ok with me, the only down side is that I cant leave the house anymore and am having to rely on everyone else to do things I need to do. Its like being on house arrest all the time. To top that off the woman they had hired before is here during the day because Mom had set that up so that my brother could go to his job. However my current job is at my house and this woman is getting on my last nerve! I need a way that I can replace her... Someone who is monitered by not only me but by a case worker or something... Right now my mom is paying 240 a week for the woman to come in and do NOTHING and I cant get the help I need with Grandma. .... Where can I turn for assistance?? What kind of help is out there for people like me and my Grandma?




  1. You need to talk to your mother about this, and spell things out.

    For that kind of money you should be able to get a professional that will come in during the peak hours when you will need to be working.

    You also need to start exploring the senior resources available to you... start with Senior Services or the United Way Agencies in your town. Check state and county websites for help... keep calling until you hit the right vein of information and resources.

    Your Grandma is already getting past your own ability to care for her, and it will get to the point where she really will need to be in a nursing home where professionals will be on hand 24/7.

  2. In Alaska there are professionals who help coordinate the care of elderly or disabled people who are called "care coordinators".  They help find programs and assistance and get people qualified for help.  Look in your local phone book Yellow Pages under "senior services" or "senior center" and try the numbers you find.  Each place is a chance to find the services or a chance to get referred to somewhere the services might be available.  If your grandmother is well enough to go out, there are senior day programs that will send a bus to pick her up so that she can spend a day out occasionally and give you a break.  You could also look on the internet for associations that provide help for people with Parkinson's Disease.

  3. Has you grandma ever been married? and if so, has your grandfather ever worked for a long period of time? If yes you may can call your nearest Social Security office and let them know that your situation and let them know if you qualify for any assistance and if you  can receive Medicare for her.  As for the woman you should not let her go until you get the answers you need.  It just may be best that you let her go to a home, because the money that you are giving that person to do nothing can go to pay for her care in a home.  It is just something that the family has to think about.

  4. Sounds like she should be on Medicaid.  They have several programs to help the elderly and disables.  If you could go down to social security and see if she qualifies for Medicaid, she could then have someone to come in and cook her meals and clean her house at no charge to her.  I am sorry but I can't think of the name of the program that this service is covered under.

    Medicaid will either pay someone to come in and take care of her or they will pay you for taking care of her.

    Type in Medicaid and it will tell you all about it.  Also gov. services she might qualify for.  It depends on her income if it is low, she will qualify.  

    There are programs out there to help you so don't give up.   You are in titled to receive help.


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