
Caring for your lip piercing?

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Ok well i just pierced my lip myself about an hour ago, so how can i take care of it so it doesn't get infected




  1. You can do this two ways...

    A) (The lazy way; i normally use this way when i got to the gym and can't do proper hot sea salt soaks....) But 0.9% saline solution at the pharmacist (buy in small packets, as they become contaminated after opening and you don't want to be using a single contaminated packet for 6 months!) Take one end of a q-tip and saturate it with the saline solution. clean the front of the earring. take the other end of the q-tip, saturate it with saline, and clean the back.

    B) (The proper way; this is much better, as the heat encourages the dead cells and lymph to escape.) Mix 1/4 teaspoon of non-iodised sea salt into 1 cup of HOT WATER. Wait for it to cool a bit, and when it's as hot as you can bear, dip your lip in for 5-10 minutes. Repeat with the other ear.

    Both of these methods, do it 3 times a day for 1.5 months. Don't spin the jewelry or even touch the jewelry; all you'll be doing is spinning all the germs and gunk back into the piercing and disturbing the healing cells. Your jewelry will not stick to your skin if it's made of good materials!

    Don't use alcohol .Alcohol is WAY too harsh, and will kill your skin cells instead of encouraging it to heal (that's why it stings). In addition to that, Alcohol kills the transient (good) bacteria in your skin, letting the invasive (bad) bacteria in.  Any polysporin or antiseptic is also bad, as they block air flow to the piercing, and lets the bacteria breed. In fact, don't ANYTHING ELSE other than sea-salt or saline solution. You will irritate it and make it harder to heal.

    any questions email me at

  2. Every morning and every night-

    1. Use about half a teaspoon of "Sea Salt" from your local store

    2. Put that in warm water

    3. Stir until dissolved

    4. Using a cotton tip/bud soak in the Salty water for about 10 minutes.

    This way it will not get infected.

  3. When taking care of a new piercing you should always remember not to touch it unless you are washing it. You need to wash it once daily with antibacterial unscented soap in the shower. When you dry off, remember not to dry your piercing with your towel, instead use a clean paper towel, as towels that we use to wash our bodies everyday contain bacteria. Furthermore, about 2-3 times daily you should soak your piercing in a salt-water saline solution for about 5 minutes; however, you should remember that the longer you soak it the better.

    The saline solution can be made with a small mouthwash glass or shot glass. You fill it about 3/4 full of warm water and then put in a small amount of sea-salt.

    Moreover, you need to use mouthwash 4-5 times daily, and after every meal. A simple plan is to use mouthwash when you wake up, after breakfast, after lunch (means taking a small amount with you to school), when you get home after a snack, after dinner, and then before you go to sleep.

    If you do all of the above then your piercing will be just fine, and you should have no issues.  

  4. Clean it often,several times a day or just whenever it looks like it needs it.

    Keep good oral hygiene,and minimize movement to the jewelry that will cause irritation to the fresh piercing.

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