
Carl Edwards sponsor? UPS!?!?!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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So its news now that Tony Stewart and Office Depot will be hooking up and now is just a matter of how soon. I think UPS should be and IS looking for a new driver/team/owner and since Tony is out of the question now how about Carl????!!!!!???? I think it would be a great fit! Apparently there is allready a rumor about it a few months ago. Let me know what you think.




  1. Good thought but Aflac is pretty much official to be his fulltime sponsor.

  2. yeah that's what i heard i honestly dont think he can  fit that lol hes more of a dish driver ya know?

  3. it sounds like it will be aflac or how ever it is spelled will be full time

    part time sponsors might be dish and claritin

    it says on 09 team chart

  4. I remember back in 2005 when the 99 team couldn't find sponsors and then when he won at Texas they had Office Depot. Office Depot decided to stay with carl's team. But now they're in the same hole. I say they get some of the sponsors they have from Nationwide to come on board, like Scott's and Save-A-Lot.

  5. Edwards is so fast dat dude when he is rollin u cant stop him

  6. Aflac paid $26 million to be the primary sponsor for The Carl for the next few years.  It was officially announced about a month ago.

  7. i thought that aflec was going to be his sponsor for next year

  8. It was announced a while ago, Aflac is sponsoring Carl full time next season. I don't mind Aflac but I hate the colors of that car... nastyness

  9. Aflac's pretty much got full sponsorship.

  10. could depend on where ryan newman goes hes the biggest domino left and i dont think alltel would go with him

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