
Carl Rogers and Sigmund Freud.

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What were Carl Rogers' and Sigmund Freud's MAIN contributions to the field of psychology?




  1. Both of them put forward theories that have no scientific validity whatsoever, in a sense that none of their theories can be tested or falsified.

    Both of them could be described, in a sense, as charlatans.

  2. Carl Rogers....built the "Client -centred" philosopy of Cunselling styles....People only need someone to listen to them and they'll come to the right conclusions of their own accord. (Completely rubbish in my opinion, if we knew what was right we'd do it!)

    Sigmund Freud...Well I think one of the only things he got right was the sexualizing of unmet childhood needs after puberty so that all subconcious drives can be traced back to unmet child hood needs.


  3. Sigmund Freud

    Freud has been influential in two related but distinct ways. He simultaneously developed a theory of how the human mind is organized and operates internally, and a theory of how human behavior both conditions and results from this particular theoretical understanding. This led him to favor certain clinical techniques for attempting to help cure psychopathology. He theorized that personality is developed by the person's childhood experiences.

    Carl Rogers

    The theory of Carl Rogers is considered to be humanistic and phenomenological.[citation needed] His theory is based directly on the "phenomenal field" personality theory of Combs and Snygg (1949)[4]. Rogers' elaboration of his own theory is extensive. He wrote 16 books and many more journal articles describing it.

  4. Their really is no comparison between the two, Freud contributions cover the whole spectrum of human psychology, While Roger at best made a dubious contribution to client based clinical psychology. Leading the patient to find their own answers. Some would argue he did more harm than good. I personally believe his theories are one of the reason some view the field with disdain.

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