
Carmina burana o fortuna?

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What does "Carmina burana o fortuna" mean?




  1. My Latin studies are long past, but the context involves the (invocation of) Goddess of (good )fortune, perhaps Venus?  And the music is certainly beautiful:  Oh, fortuna --

                                                                    velut luna     ?

  2. Carmina Burana, which was a collection of manuscripts containing poems and songs, is the Latin translation of "Songs of Beuern," Beuern being a German abbey where the manuscript was found.  O Fortuna is just what it sounds like "Oh, Fortune" and was one of the poems.  Alternatively (and perhaps better known in this form), they are the titles of a work by Carl Orff based on these manuscripts composed in the 1930's.

  3. O Fortune,

    like the moon

    you are changeable,

    ever waxing

    and waning;

    hateful life

    first oppresses

    and then soothes

    as fancy takes it;


    and power,

    it melts them like ice.

    Fate, monstrous

    and empty,

    you turning wheel,

    you are malevolent,

    your favor is idle

    and always fades,



    you plague me too.

    I bare my back

    for the sport

    of your wickedness.

    In prosperity

    or in virtue

    fate is against me,

    Both in passion

    and in weakness

    fate always enslaves us.

    So at this hour

    pluck the vibrating strings;

    because fate

    brings down even the strong,

    everyone weep with me.

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