
Carney Sacked By Raiders?

by Guest64761  |  earlier

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Raiders have sacked Carney declaring they've had enough of his bad boy behaviour! What are your thoughts on this?




  1. I have always been a Canberra Raiders fan and I always will be.  Carney is a great player, but he has just been given to many chances.  I hope Carney can get himself sorted out because he still has a huge future in front of him, where ever he ends up.  Raiders still have some good young talent in the way of Marc Herbert so it is not all doom and gloom.  I wish Carney all the best.

  2. High time something like this happened!  I'm fed up with players that go after the fame & then think they are above being put in their place when they s***w up.  It's not the first time he screwed up, last time he was lied for & protected, this time he gets what he deserves.  He should've got on the booze with his mates at home, trouble is, he'd have to clean up his own mess!! I hope he's de-registered.

  3. well if i was CEO at canberra, i probably would have sacked him 12 months ago!

    he'll find a home in england, id say he might even find the climate very similar to canberra!

    all in all not a great loss to the NRL!

  4. i think they should let him back next year but he needs to concentrate on his footy more, i dont tink they hace officially torn up his contract yet. carney said he was hopeful they would let him play in the finals (if they make it) but im not sure they will, i hope to see him next year because he is one of the most exiting young players in the comp but he needs to go easy on the alcohol

  5. Bulldogs will sign him.

  6. His been given a one in a lifetime opportunity to be the first pick half back for a reasonably good NRL team. Hundreds of up and comers and already playing players would die for that chance, his dream has been given to him on a golden platter with a healthy pay cheque with a condition to behave himself off the field.. so what does he do goes pisses on & assaults people.. his a great player but if he cant be mature and professional enough to live them easy as conditions down than he shouldnt be aloud to play professional sport.

  7. He's had plenty of chances so I'd say he was lucky to last this long. . Would like to see his contract though to see what clause allows him to be sacked. Just want to ensure that things are even.

  8. dont blame them really..

    he was too much of a truble maker off the field and that put a lot of pressure on the raiders..

    with the sacking of carney they can get on with the rest of the year and they still have a really good chance of making the 8

  9. wrong... we need to understand that he is only 20 something years old.. we all make mistakes at that age and banning him for one year = to 4 years in any other job. his shelf life is only 10 or so years..... raiders even said it "bad BOY behaviour" thoughts we dont get many gifted talents so educate the BOY  

  10. I reckon it would be good for the off-field side of things and it should not really affect their on field successes. They play good against a Titans outfit and won by 40 odd points.

  11. The NRL should let him play next year for fu k sake. Maby a player traid wud have been a good option, but not letting him play for 1 whole year isant the way 2 go

  12. i agree with BillP

    he had heaps of chances! the club had to wait for him to make a decision. I'm surprised they even waited this long. With the money these guys are earning (even though d***heads want to go to france to earn more! $500,000 a year, c'mon that's WAY MORE than enough) they should be more cautious about what they do in public. for $300,000 - $500,000 a year id be more than happy to get pissed at home!! but good luck to toddy in the future.

  13. He deserved to be sacked - I only hope that this will be a lesson for other players!!!

  14. stupid decision

    they need all the players they can get

  15. the other guy probally deserved having his head pissed on....they dont say what he did to cop a golden shower,might have put it on him...

  16. maybe he should join that other d**k#head sbw in france as they are as bad as each other.

  17. LIke i feel with SBW dont care

  18. It's about time, I thought they were going to set him another deadline to make his decision.  This guy has been given chance after chance, and he still thinks he was treated unfairly.  He's a good player, yet he seems to get sidetracked too much off the field.  Maybe, it's off overseas for him too!!!

  19. I think Canberra have gone too far!!  Carney is a young guy who has made a few mistakes.  The bottome line is who really gives a fuXk what he does off the football field?!?!  I wonder if the only reason Carney is getting sacked is because of all the media pressure??

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