
Carnival lawsuit?

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Has anyone ever filed a lawsuit against Carnival cruise lines? My husband & I went on a cruise in October and had a terrible experience. (not with an illness, but with poor hospitality, terrible food, and the entertainment was of high school quality) We were very disappointed. I wrote a 5 page typed letter to the CEO of carnival and was given a return letter with apologies and an offer of 10% off our next cruise (taken with in 18 months) and a $50 a piece ship board credit. We feel Carnival should re-imburse us fully for our last cruise. What else can we do? I am not into filing a lawsuit for no reason, but I truly feel we have reason. Any advise?




  1. Oh, poor little snookums had to eat commoner's food and endure entertainment that was not Hollywood quality.  Boo-hoo.

    Hey, grow up!  I would love to see how an attorney would have answered you if you had gone to his office.  You would have been escorted to the door so fast that your little silver belled bottom would have jingled all the way down the street.

    If you had a bad experience, chalk it up to to life's lesson's learned and do not sail on Carnival again.  Lots of people like Carnival, some do not.  Those that do not will not sail on them again.

  2. I think filing a lawsuit for the cruise not meeting your expectation a sad testament of today's society. If the had spit on you or feed you to the sharks maybe, and just maybe you might be able to sure, but for the reason you mentioned ,no. I actually feel sorry for you, you have no reason , other than your ignorance, for a lawsuit, but go ahead     I'm sure some trashy lawyers will be glad to help you.

    I prefer Carnival over RCCL but ot each his own. You dont have to spend a million to have a good vacation. Carnival offers the ability to leave the ship and get a refund if you didnt like it. You are responsible for your own entertainment, you go looking to have a bad time or find something wrong with it and I'm pretty sure you'll find it

  3. You could sue them but I don't think you'd win.

  4. i got spores on carnival and they wouldn't even look

    at me with out a cash advance

    the attendant was sick and he infected me, but you cant fight the system

  5. Sorry but that's how carnival is, cheap in every way. I cruised with them once and it was horrible, afterwards I found out that most cruise agents don't recommend them because of the poor service. Don't let this one experience deter you from cruising, next time try another cruise line. Royal Caribbean is very good.

    You really don't have much recourse you can file a complaint with the FTC and the BBB. Your best option though would be to write reviews on cruise critic, tripadvisor and any other sight you can think of to inform people of how they treat their customers. Also tell friends, word of mouth and email work, people that know you had a bad experience with carnival, most likely won't choose them when looking for a cruise.

  6. You're lucky you got what you did.

    Now, if EVERY passenger on the boat complained you'd have something.  Chances are a lot of people had fun and you had a bad time.

  7. Get real!!!  If you have higher standards than what Carnival is willing to provided, then you are just going to have to pay a higher fare.

  8. While Carnival has been sued in the past, I don't think you have a chance of winning.  If Carnival delivered what it said it would deliver, then it met its end of the contract between you and Carnival.  Carnival did not guarantee that you would be impressed with everything it had to offer.  

    I doubt that any attorney would take your case, and if you decide to file it yourself you will just end up wasting your own time and money.

    You can't sue a movie theater because you did not like the movie.  You can't sue a hotel because the staff was rude.  Just write it off as a learning experience and try something else for for your next vacation.

  9. I don't think you'll ever get anything, unless while you were on board you made an attempt to get off. Did you?

    I was on a cruise that was heading back to Miami. A hurrican was about to  hit miami also. The boat sped up to get us there so they could drop us off, right in the hurricane!! Usually the cruise was smooth and relaxing, they were going full speed. Trying to dump us. Luckly miami closed its port so we couldnt dock and had to go back to sea for 2 days. I was with a group of 250 people....Lots of us wrote letters, called ect. We all received a letter similar to yours. They swore the captain would never put us in danger. Carnival doesnt care.

    but as service, food entertainment goes...I like carnival. The cruise was great up until the hurricane came, lol:)

  10. Unfortunately a lawsuit will get you no where.  It's a shame that you had such a terrible experience on your cruise, but Carnivals offer of 10% is about all you will get out of them.

    In the future, stay away from Carnival, try Princess or Royal Caribbean.  Don't give up on cruising just because of one bad experience.

  11. Wow, another frivolous lawsuit, and americans complain about why there are so many lawyers.....

    To be honest, if you pick the cheapest cruise line, with the cheapest cruises you really cant start howling if they dont provide a 5* service - you get what you pay for..

    With 3000 people on their ships they really couldnt care less if even 5% (150 people) have complaints about their cruise as they cater to mass market packages.

    If however you splashed out and took a cruise with someone like the Yachts of Seaborne (less than 300 passengers onboard) you can bet your backside every complaint, regardless of how minor is taken serously.

    Take it as a learning experience and use the old saying "you get what you pay for" when thinking of going on a cruise
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