
Carnivore Horse?

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My horse won't eat anything vegetarian. But he'll eat any type of meat. He's been doing this about a week now and I've only continued feeding him meat so he won't starve. Any advice? PLEASE HELP!




  1. Offer him only normal horse food, if he won't eat for three days call the vet.

  2. That is really strange. How did you first discover your horse would eat meat? Maybe his natural instincts are telling him he's low on protein? What were you offering him as feed before? And how did the horse switch itself over to meat? Where did he get it?

  3. That is not natural. Horses are herbivores. If yours is craving meat then something is wrong. Please get the vet out immediately.

  4. well don't continue feeding him meat! one of my friends horses likes ham, and that's ok, but you shouldn't keep feeding him it! Don't worry, he won't starve, offer him every type of horse food you can think of; his natural instincts won't let him starve!

    good luck with your strange horsie!

  5. Since he can't digest meat, by my calculations, he is already dead.  I'm so sorry for your loss.

  6. See the article #3832 at on carnivorous horses.

    Stop giving your horse meat !   He won't starve in two or three days.  When he gets hungry, he'll eat grain or hay.  He can't get meat on his own, don't you supply it.

    And have the vet out.

  7. ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!?  take him to the vet, STOP GIVING HIM MEAT!  thats disgusting.  would you like to be fet human meat every day?  i dont think so !

  8. Okay so how many pounds of meat are you giving him - must be a lot as my GSDs get 2lb a day each. Where are you getting it all from ?

    Stop talking rubbish and if there really is a horse with a depraved appetite then phone your vet - that's what he's there for.

  9. Don't give him anymore meat.  When he is hungry he will eat his hay.  I had a horse that loved hot dogs.  They say the are not meat eaters but how do you explain when they do?LOL

  10. You're out your mind.  Horses will eat meat if it is offered to them sometimes but they are first and foremost herbivores, if your horse is not eating hay or grass it is because it is not offered and you should be reported.

  11. Horses aren't designed to eat meat. Offer him plenty of turnout and hay.

    Also, bring out the vet.

  12. he's not eating grass? give him turnout. give him hay

  13. A true herbivore such as a horse is unable to effectively chew or digest meat. As such eating meat on a regular basis is likely to make your horse ill as his digestive system won't be able to cope.  Therefore you must stop feeding him meat immediately and ensure that he is given access to vegetation.

    Maybe your horse is lacking in protein which would explain his desire for meat.  Try introducing high protein feeds into his diet such as legumes, like alfalfa hay or soybean meal or oats or beet pulp.

  14. There is no such thing as a carnivore horse. Horses are plant eating animals plain and simple, and their digestive system is not equipped to deal with meat properly. I am not an expert but I would say since horses are not designed to digest meat may even starve despite you giving him the meat to eat.

    So chances are he is not getting much out of the meat you're giving him, and it might even cause problems over the long term. You should stop giving him meat. Buy some grain from your local feed store and leave it for him in a bowl. Horses really like grain so chances are he will like that. If he still won't eat then call your vet.

    What were you feeding him before? Maybe you have lousy hay. Get a new bale.


  15. ask a vet
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