
Carolina Panthers WR Steve Smith claims to be target of New Orleans Saints bounty programme - NFL News

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Carolina Panthers WR Steve Smith claims to be target of New Orleans Saints bounty programme - NFL News
The fallout from the New Orleans Saints bounty scandal continues as each day reveals something new about the pay-for-injury programme.
This time it is Carolina Panthers wide receiver, Steve Smith who on Tuesday told that a Saints player targeted his ankle last season with a cheap shot.
"I actually had an altercation with a guy who told me firsthand," 
Adding further he said.
"I was going out of bounds, and the guy went for my ankle. I said, 'Hey, man, cut that out.' He's like, 'Well, we get fined if we don't go after your legs when you go out of bounds.'”
It seems that former defensive coordinator, Gregg Williams also installed fines for his players if they did not attempt crunching tackles or late hits on opponents.
Williams has been suspended indefinitely by the National Football League (NFL) for installing the bounty programme and after the release of an audio tape in which he is heard urging his players to target the opposition’s ankles and concussions, his coaching
career is as good as over.
Smith also went on to say that he had a chat with Williams in his last game against the Saints and Williams took responsibility for the hit but did not apologise.
“And actually this past year, this last game when we played them, I had a little conversation with Gregg Williams. ... He took responsibility, he was saying it wasn't right, but that's who he was."
The Saints have been heavily punished by the NFL for running the illegal programme with fines and suspensions.
Commissioner, Roger Goodell is also expected to announce the punishments for players involved in the scandal soon.
Also on Tuesday, interim head coach, Joe Vitt told reporters in a press conference that no players from the Saints intentionally tried to hurt opposition players.
Smith though does not think the same way.
The Panthers wide receiver was asked the name of the player who told him about the fines but the 32-year-old refused to name the player.
This will not be the last revelation to come to the public about the Saints bounty scandal and as the investigations continue more such stories may come out into the public domain.



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