
Carpet pythons?

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my carpet pythons have just hatched is it ok to house them in the same tank




  1. you can house the babies in the same tank. I would feed them in a separate container one at a time though

  2. It shouldn't be a problem. Usually the only snakes that eat each other is The Kingsnake.

  3. Only reason to separate is to ensure the health and feeding of each, other then that no issues,

  4. Holy ****!!! I just moved into a new house, and now I hear about carpet pythons! ****! I don't think the inspector checked for those!

  5. i had a clutch of blood pythons...i kept the babies together but when it came to feeding time after they ate i put the ones that ate and the ones that didnt eat in separate cages.

  6. As suggested above, it will be much easier to monitor the health of each hatchie if you keep them separately.

    However all you need for keeping hatchlings are plastic takeaway containers with a couple of TINY holes in them with a heat cord arranged appropriately under them and a tiny hide box and a water bowl.

    Easy and cheap, and you can keep track of your snakes carefully.

    Congratulations on successfully breeding your snakes! What kind of carpet python are they?

  7. Snakes do not normally live close to each other in nature as it causes stress as they look for the best heat and food.  It is better to house them in a rack system and feed separately.

  8. Definately house the babies separately as then you can tell which baby ate when it comes time to feed them or sometimes when you go to feed them one may start on one end of a fuzzie mouse and another on the other end and just keep on going. just look up care sheets for the type of carpet python you have.
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