
Carribean wedding Advice?

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My fiance and I are thinking about getting married in the carribean. It will be extremely small, probably just us and our parents. Maybe a few friends.

We would like to find a all inclusive resort were we can have the wedding at the hotel, just something small and cheap. I know a lot of hotels will include a free wedding ceremony if you stay for so long, or book so many rooms. We are trying to keep it around 5,000$-6,000$. (were not paying for anyone but ourselves)

Does anyone know any good locations?

Or even know what islands are the nicest/cheapest?

There are so many options we dont even know where to begin.

Thanks in advance!





  2. Firstly, Congrats on your Engagement!!  A Destination Wedding is a fabulous choice because so many couples I hear who do a traditional Wedding end up falling short on a budget for there Honeymoon!  Which hey, you only get one Honeymoon!

    There are so many possibilities to choose from and it is difficult to suggest an island/resort without further information.  This is what a professional travel agent will do for you is they ask various questions to help determine where they feel is the best option for you to have the very best experience.  

    Jamaica is the 2nd top Honeymoon destination, Hawaii being the 1st.  So Jamaica must be doing something right, however where you still will make or break your experience.  You don't have to stay at the most expensive resort but yet you don't want to go cheap here.  International standards are different than domestic standards when it comes to resorts/hotels.

    Some of the Caribbean islands don't have the best flight schedules or carrier competition so this can increase your cost on the airline tickets.  This really depends on which airport is nearest to you to fly out of.  $5,000 - $6,000 is a very healthy budget to where you will be able to have a pretty nice honeymoon/wedding.  

    Depending on who might accompany you say children, adults or couples can also determine property choice.  You want to be careful of traveling during hurricane season because there are certain parts that are going to tend to be more susceptible to hurricane activity.

    I would recommend going through a Travel Specialist that has experience with Weddings.  Like any job occupation there are good and bad travel agents.  The best part is once you find a good one you can stick with them for future travels as well!  You want to make sure to find an honest agent, instead of what I like to call a “yes agent”.  A yes agent is going to agree with anything a consumer says to them, even if they disagree.  Reason for this, is in there mind it shortens the planning time straight into the booking time.  There are so many properties online that look gorgeous, but aren’t always.  Plus online will sell you anything as to where a good agent is going to qualify you into the property they feel anyhow is best for you.  I know I want a client to be happy or they are much less likely to come back to me for there travels, let alone refer me to there friends/family.

    I would be happy to assist you with your wedding if you like.  Feel free to contact me if you would like further help.  However either way I do wish you the best experience possible!

  3. try websites like to find good hotel...they rate them so u can see which ones are good

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