
Carried Underwood and Louisvill slugger to cheating boyfriends car ok? Petty Domestic Violence and Loss?

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My case like many others was dismissed, in the process I lost my home my family my children and my rights for 3 months. All for nothing the family loses us men lose and so do our kids. You flick a cigarette pack, you spray the kitchen faucet sprayer out the window at your psycho ex , who is on pills drugs and is in a psychosis cops come seven times laughing at her casuse she is so far out there. We get taken away us men. I have heard the most ludicrous stories from men experiencing this same loss. Women committing adultery with our neighbors, being out of control , scratching us men punching us ripping our clothes and the cops come to take us away. I dont have to explain myself my case was dismissed, she wanted to move the 16 year old pot smoker next door into our home and I said honey you go live next door if you want to do that. We need to take a stand against this bias shameful system... This is just not Right Stand up men you notice carried underwoods louisville Slugger to the cheating boyfriends car never got banned? Why is that OK PEOPLE?




  1. Cary Underwood's song -is just that - a song. In real life, had she actually done that, she would have been found financially responsible for the damage to the car in a civil court and probably would have faced criminal charges as well.

    In Good-bye Earl, the Dixie Chicks sing about murdering a wife beater with poisoned peas.

    It's not uncommon to hear lyrics about rape and violence toward women in many rap songs.

    There is a very big difference between song lyrics and actual action.

    There is a very big difference between the violence in video games and real life.

    I suggest you seek professional help if you can not tell the difference between a song lyric and real life.

    Good Luck to you.  

  2. Well buddy, I kind of understand what you are saying. However, how about in child support cases, alimony, divorce? There is nothing equal in those cases. Ever heard of a "deadbeat Mom"? Nope, it's always a deadbeat Dad. Mom's rarely pay child support and good luck collecting if they get an order. System is not set up that way.

    My advice to you is NEVER and I mean NEVER hit, push or throw something at a woman

  3. There are certainly cases where law enforcement and the court system believes a woman who is lying over a man who is telling the truth. The overwhelming majority of domestic violence crimes are male perpetrated, but that does not make bias in the legal system appropriate.

    Men who are experiencing a partner who is abusive should document and build their case. They should take extra care to avoid putting themselves in situations that could be taken the wrong way or where there are no credible witnesses to back up the truth.

    Unfortunately, the media glamorizes violence in all its forms, including violence against women and retailiatory violence. Violence is never the answer. However, it is important to be upset by violence in all its forms, not just the forms that upset you.

    Many domestic violence programs work with men, and I would encourage you to contact the National Domestic Violence Helpline (1-800-799-SAFE) to find a local program that can assess your issues.

  4. Yes the law is biased probably because women are more vulnerable and are generally the ones getting their butts kicked by an out of control man. When the shoe is on the other foot the laws are sadly lacking. I once had a friend dragged away for slapping his drunken spouse, for the first time, after she threatened him with a knife-I saw the whole thing and told the officer that she held a 10" knife up to his neck while she railed at him for an extended period of time during which he honestly felt that she might cut his throat. h**l hath no fury.

  5. Probably 90% of domestic violence crimes are committed by men.  The US doesn't have a justice system, it has a legal system.  Usually no one gets what they have coming to them.  You might want to check out one of the groups that specializes in this issue (see link below.)

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