My case like many others was dismissed, in the process I lost my home my family my children and my rights for 3 months. All for nothing the family loses us men lose and so do our kids. You flick a cigarette pack, you spray the kitchen faucet sprayer out the window at your psycho ex , who is on pills drugs and is in a psychosis cops come seven times laughing at her casuse she is so far out there. We get taken away us men. I have heard the most ludicrous stories from men experiencing this same loss. Women committing adultery with our neighbors, being out of control , scratching us men punching us ripping our clothes and the cops come to take us away. I dont have to explain myself my case was dismissed, she wanted to move the 16 year old pot smoker next door into our home and I said honey you go live next door if you want to do that. We need to take a stand against this bias shameful system... This is just not Right Stand up men you notice carried underwoods louisville Slugger to the cheating boyfriends car never got banned? Why is that OK PEOPLE?