
Carrying epi-pens on the school bus?

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Okay this question is for my mom:

One of my brothers, Nick (4) and one of my sisters, Cara (6) both have an allergy to nuts. They both need an epi-pen ASAP if they accidently eat a nut. Each have 2 epi-pens at our house, 1 my moms purse, 1 that travels where they go (friends house, camp, etc) and 1 that stays with the school nurse. Cara is going to kindergarten and she will be taking the bus. My mom wants her to carry an epi-pen in the back of her backpack just in case she needs it. She called the school, and they said she couldn't bring it on the bus, and if found it would be taken from her. They also brought up the point that even if she was having a reaction, nobody would know that she had one on her. On the bus all the kindergarteners where name tag ID's that have bus #, teachers name, their name, and any information on them (allergys) so my mom said that they could just add theres an epi-pen in her backpack. What do you think about this? How do we fight it?




  1. Well, first of all, maybe there is an alternative to her taking the bus. If you have any neighbors that take their kids to school, a relative living close by, a family friend, someone that could take her to school to avoid the bus all together. That way she can have the epi-pen with her in the car if she needs it, but she will also be supervised.

    I know that those things don't always work out, so if the bus is the only option, maybe your mom could talk to the bus driver. If your sister can't personally carry the epi-pen, maybe the bus driver could keep it with her incase she needs it. Once she gets older and can use the epi-pen herself, she could probably carry the epi-pen in her backpack with her on the bus without anyone even knowing that she has it. Then if she has a reaction she can just get it out and use it.

    If that doesn't work, then you definately need to have your mom talk to the doctor and get a note for the school board. That is definately wrong for them to not allow an epi-pen on the bus with her if she could die without it.

    Good luck!!

  2. Then mom needs to home school them.

    The reason being, a 4 yr old is to young for public school anyway and she can take betetr care of them than the school will.

    If it is a life or death issue then your mom needs to home school them.

  3. The reason is because it is a "sharp object which could be used as a weapon". Silly I know but it's where we are. I work in a school and yes I can imagine some of our students stealing that pen and stabbing someone (accidently or on purpose) with it.

    That said, she needs it. Tell your mom to get a statement from the Dr that the child MUST have one available at all times. Then tell her to call her school district's superintendent and tell him what is going on. He may need the statement for records. See if he can get the driver to keep it in his first aid kit. Then it is in the driver's possession and not a child's. Also, I am assuming that she typically has the same driver. This driver needs to be taught to identify a reaction and how to administer the shot. The school nurse should be able to do this, she does at our school. If no one cooperates she needs to contact the state or just a lawyer - that is ridiculous.

  4. go to the nurse at the school, the principal, the school board, the super intendant of the district. try everyone. if that doesn't work, you need to get other mothers/supporters to appeal!

    just remember... if something did happen on the bus and you never fought for her right to have that epi-pen, you may never forgive yourself. also, this is your kid and your kid's life your dealing with... you have to do something.

    the best person to talk to would be the child's doctor. sometimes a doctor's note is all it takes.  

  5. You tell them, if she has an allergic reaction to something on that bus, you will sue the school, for their lake of intelligence.

    I say send it on the bus with her. There isn't a law against it, it is for medical needs.

  6. You will probably have to call your local school board or board of education that provides the transportation.

    You may have to file an appeal with the school's transportation board.

    Call the school and find out how you appeal a transportation decision.

  7. i would go to the school board, that is ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A good compromise would be for cara to hand here epi pen to the bus driver daily so she wouldnt actually be the one holding it on the bus. I would fight till the end, obviously NONE of these people have had a child with allergies!!!!!!! Hope all goes well, let me know! GOD BLESS!!!!!!!

  8. Are you kidding me???  Your mom needs to call the schoold district and talk to them!  They are discriminating against your sister!!  My daughter has a friend with a nut allergy and she brings hers in a purse.  It goes with her on the bus and when she gets to school the teacher holds on to it until the end of the day.  If they still refuse to let her on the bus with the epi pen....get a lawyer!!

  9. I'd say call the school board and send it with her anyways. Maybe put it in a little bag to make sure it's safe and she's safe. I think even a little bit of defiance in these situations is acceptable. You need to fight this.

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