Okay this question is for my mom:
One of my brothers, Nick (4) and one of my sisters, Cara (6) both have an allergy to nuts. They both need an epi-pen ASAP if they accidently eat a nut. Each have 2 epi-pens at our house, 1 my moms purse, 1 that travels where they go (friends house, camp, etc) and 1 that stays with the school nurse. Cara is going to kindergarten and she will be taking the bus. My mom wants her to carry an epi-pen in the back of her backpack just in case she needs it. She called the school, and they said she couldn't bring it on the bus, and if found it would be taken from her. They also brought up the point that even if she was having a reaction, nobody would know that she had one on her. On the bus all the kindergarteners where name tag ID's that have bus #, teachers name, their name, and any information on them (allergys) so my mom said that they could just add theres an epi-pen in her backpack. What do you think about this? How do we fight it?