
Cars accidents are the leading cause of death in what age group?

by  |  earlier

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I can't seem to find this exact statistic




  1. 16-21 Is the leading age.

  2. Try entering your question in google, see what comes up.

  3. 14-21. Teenagers!

  4. 15-21

  5. Upto 25 here in the UK.

    Copied this.......

    Young Drivers feature very highly in fatal and serious crashes. Almost 1 in 4

    fatalities over the last 5 years have involved a driver under the age of 25 years of age.

    Young drivers feature in 26% of all fatal and serious casualties.

  6. The easy and quick answer to your question is In Virginia the age group is 65+, followed closely by the 00-17 age group.  You can fine a great web site that will allow you to see the Virginia state data, create your own reports so you can dig a little deeper and see reports on Age, Alcohol and other variables at

    As an update: nationally the two age groups are reversed with the 00-17 age group being in the lead being followed closely by the 65+ age group.

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