
Cars on cow f**t?

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I know they're developing special cars that run on hydrogen and they have no emissions except water. However, hydrogen is apparently hard to get and you need electricity to get lots of it which comes from burning fuels.

Anyway, I found out that f**t is made up of 50% hydrogen and cows produce 30L of f**t a day. So if you have 20 cows or so, you could make 300L of hydrogen a day.

Would it be possible to do this?




  1. Methane is not a very good fuel simply because it has a very high vapor pressure making it dificult to store large volumes.  However is is exellent for heating. Some dairy farmers have built boi-gas generators, which capture the methane produced by decomposing manure, and use it to supplement  natural  gas in the pasteurizers. While they are not actually capturing the flatulence, more methane is produced by the decomposition of the manure.

  2. done it on top gear

  3. actually cows f**t methane, which is the biggest cause of global warming.

  4. It'd really make more sense to use fuel cells  powered by ethanol to extract the hydrogen for electricity.

  5. its sound so trifling

  6. sounds feasible but is it just a load of hot air

  7. It's possible, but certainly not cost effective.  There are more effcient uses for the farts anyway as the methane is relatively effcient as a heating gas to run a boiler etc. to get electricity.

  8. Yes and no... you would spend just too much effort for the amount of fuel you would recover.

    Now, if you were collecting cow manure in a large tank  you could collect serious volumes of methane; you could be running a  compressor to package this product for delivery in a natural gas system, or run a gas engine to give electric power.Well ovefdr half eh energy in a volume of manure can be collected as methane plus ammonia in a digester.

    But it would not be tolerable to collect farts from individual cows.

    Your wiki source tells me there is no water vapour in a f**t. I really doubt that very strongly, particularly when a f**t sends liquid f***s 3 metres across the barn.
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