
Cart bag or Stand bag?

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I am new to golf and the set i bought com with a stand bag but i found a cart bag that i really like. What should be the deciding factors in which kind of bag i should use or pros and cons of each? Thanx.




  1. Unless you always use a cart of have a caddy, I would recommend a stand bag.

    It is lighter, and if you decide to walk some of the course you will have a much easier time.

  2. Depends on if you will be walking or riding in a cart.  I have both.  If I travel I always use my stand bag because it's lighter (don't have to pay extra weight fees to the airline).  

    The cart bag will (typically) have more pockets for stuff (balls, gloves, tees, etc.).

  3. the desicion all depends on what you do more, if you walk more you need a stand bag and if you ride in a cart alot get a cart bag but i like a stand bag because you can walk with it and use it on a cart

  4. I wouldn't even consider a cart bag if you don't ride in a cart or have a pull cart every time you go golfing. Cart bags are larger, heavier, not comfortable, not practical for carrying your own bag. If you do have a cart or pull cart every time then I would probably go with a cart bag, they have more space and they sit better on the back of a cart.

  5. As many have already said, it depends on how you plan to play.  But I would add one consideration.  I generally use a push cart, and for me, stand bags are problematic.  When you put a stand bag on a push cart, the legs have a tendency to pop out and get caught on things.

    I have an Ogio cart bag that is not too bulky.  It is a good solution for the push cart user.

  6. The biggest factor is if you want to walk or ride while golfing. If you want to walk, the stand bag has its built in stand and you would carry your clubs. If you want to walk with the cart bag, you would need a push cart for your clubs. Otherwise you would just ride and have your clubs in the cart. The stand bag can be used in any of these scenarios.

  7. The cart bags are more comfortable while playing they are more spacy and allow the clubs more sapce to come in and out

  8. stand bag so you dont have to lay it on the ground
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