
Carter, Pelosi, Kennedy, Dean, Kerry, Gore. Huh?

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In your personal opinion, do these Democrats represent the values of middle America?

Is the DNC subconsciously showing us just how far out-of-touch they are with the American working-class voter?




  1. Only Obama supporters, Above, all have something in common(Brain Damage)  

  2. They all are filthy rich...

  3. Murders (kennedy), traitors (kerry), lobbyist buttbaby (gore), flat out liar (pelosi) and I won't even start with Carter, LOL!

    What an amazing lineup. Yah middle America all right, lol...

  4. I think you have discovered THE fundamental flaw in the democratic party platform.  

  5. anti American values    maybe

    socialism galore with that crew  

    send all our money overseas and save the world and forget about

    the American Tax payer        maybe

  6. Well first you need to check out the credentials of the man who holds the strings that make them move and talk!

    "Though Stalinism may have been a needless tragedy for both the Russian people and communism as an ideal, there is the intellectually tantalizing possibility that for the world at large it was, as we shall see, a blessing in disguise."

    "Marxism represents a further vital and creative stage in the maturing of man's universal vision. Marxism is simultaneously a victory of the external man over the inner, passive man and a victory of reason over belief."  

    "Such a society would be dominated by an elite whose claim to political power would rest on allegedly superior scientific know-how. Unhindered by the restraints of traditional liberal values, this elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control."

    "The Soviet Union could have emerged as the standard-bearer of this century's most influential system of thought and as the social model for resolving the key dilemmas facing modern man."

    David Rockefeller with Zbigniew Brzezinski

  7. No - they'd represent the values of a failed, Communist, 3rd World govt.  Good thing we've had the Republicans around to temper their evil communist plans!


  8. They don't even represent the middle of the Democrats.  Obama has to make a deal to get Hillary's votes stopped on the floor of the convention, because the party is divided.  To at least make it look like they are united, when it is obvious by the mere fact that they have to cut a deal in the first place.

  9. I say put them out there and unleash them.  Let the electoral chips fall where they may, with all of America watching

  10. Bush, Cheney, McCain...... do I need to go on. How do they represent the values of middle America.  They have no clue about the values of Middle America, nor do they care.

  11. Actually, they've each made the world a slightly better place. President Carter, for example, brokered the peace agreement between Israel and Egypt, and the agreement has held to this day. Pelosi helped to push through the 1st minimum wage increase in 12 years, and an increase in veteran's benefits. She is also the first woman speaker of the house, and a model and inspiration to many young female politicians.Gore helped focus our attention on climate change and brought honor to the US when he won the Nobel Peace Prize at a time when there was much anti-American sentiment in the world. Howard Dean, as head of the DNC created the 50 state strategy and rebuilt Democratic support from the ground up in all states, not just the swing states.

  12. One former failure of a president, one screwed up representative who holds the country hostage by blocking a vote on energy, one woman who has no political experience except by proxy, one loud mouth who engineered obama's nomination, One long faced has been, and one of the biggest hypocrites on global warming who just happened to become a multimillionaire peddling his global warming  propaganda. Wow what a crew, unimpressive list of the least popular people in the US.

  13. Jimmy Carter  worse president ever

    Nancy Pelosi   fascist who gags dissent with turning off mics and cameras in the congress

    Howard Dean  name caller who back it up with nothing

    John Kerry  military uniform in a vietcong museum held up as hero

    Al GOre - perpetrator of one of the biggest scams in human history

    yeah i think just a bit outside    regular people

  14. Yes, they are very much out of touch with mainstream America.  Once again they toss the winning candidate aside and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

  15. No. None of them do. Especially not me, and mine!

    Isn't it about time they "go"? They're all so rotten and "Old", it's a wonder God hasn't called them, yet.

    Oh yeah, I know why. "Live hard, love fast, die old, and leave no Good memories, just stink up the Earth with your presence".

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