
Carter's attitude worse than Kobe's?

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I saw another question talking about VC's bad attitude. All the people were talking **** about him. But yet nobody says anything bout a player with a way worse attitude: KOBE!!! how come his attitude, which is 10X worse than VC's, gets overlooked, but you are quick to attack Carter for his attitude, which isn't even that bad. What's up with that?




  1. Why You Hate On Kobe HE IS GOD!

  2. I think you've flipped your lid. Vince Carter doesn't belong in the same sentence as Kobe, and I'm not a Kobe fan.

  3. kobes attitude is that he is so good cause he is cocky but u do know he is great at the game  

  4. no, his attitude is worse in a different way, carter's was in a selfish give me everything kind of attitude but kobe's was give me a team so we can win, i would take kobe any day because he has the attitude of a winner

  5. Shaq is 100x worse than Kobe!,

    Don't bring this up unless you gonna say something about Shaq Diesel or Shaq Dissolved as I call him.

  6. You can't even compare the two. Vince is an admitted quitter.

    He quit on the Raptors when he was demanding a trade. He even admitted it after he was traded to the Nets.

    If there's one thing Kobe isn't, it's a quitter. Kobe always gives it his all. Up twenty or down twenty, Kobe plays to win. Vince plays for a paycheck.  

  7. when do u see people overlooking kobe's attitude.  almost every week u see a new article talking about how kobe f-ed over his team or how he's a ballhog or how hes slowing everyone else's developement.  the media hates kobe whereas i don't even hear about vc anymore.  

  8. VC is cruddy now. He used to be nice but now he is a traitor

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