
Carter going to Europe in 2009. Do you agree with the NZRU'S idea of a flexible contract to him?

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NZRU are willing to offer Carter a flexible contract that enables him to play in Europe for 1 to 2 years, but be back in time for 2010 and WC 2011. This time I am willing to give credit to NZRU, at least they are thinking outside the box and thinking of different options. This could open Pandora's box in terms of selecting outside of NZ. The risk of course is all the players start to bolt from Kiwiland and no one is left here to play in NZ. Be interested in all your comments.




  1. the spin doctors have done well for all those novice sports fans and arm chair opinions.i'm now into my 22 yr of playing rugby,21 in senior ruby both in the south and the north,the nzrfu have forgotten exactly who there shareholders are and allowed to sell the jersey to multi national corporations and forgot the grass root people who when they  wish to deplete there lines have not compensated any club for all the volutary and fund raising these people have done for over 100 years.if it wasn't for the clubs and players of early times who raised funds for all blacks to tour the rugby union would had been sold of as a fire sale years they want to change the rules and dictate to you and i and those who decide that they have the right to a opinion too, that the control shoul be at there pearl,for 21 years not one reprensenative from the unions i have been involved with has come to me as a share or stake holder and asked my opinion have you been asked.its now time to all stake holders to take control of the game before the game that has allowed fat,tall,fast,slow,black, white,young,old whatever to play and the hands that build all those club rooms and communitys dies and we ask why or how this could i too old or are people just afraid to stand up and be counted, wheres the back bone of new zealand gone don't allow the NZRFU total control of the game, there pockets will grow while we keep putting our hands in our pockets and supporting them.STOP IT.Make your union aware of how much you don't want the unions have a sercet club for gin drinkng ,fish heads .I'll die for the game but will the game die for me

  2. I think the NZRU should lay tradition aside and allow players playing overseas to be eligible for AB duties. This is now a global game, and travel around the world is a daily occurrence for people of all occupations. Why should the NZRU hold players with skills from playing in other competitions, against different oppositions, and widening their playing knowledge, to Ransom by not letting them wear the Black jersey. The AB team should be the best they can select from ALL players regardless to the club they play for. By the way I'm a Pome living in NZ and only want to see the best for my adopted country.

  3. True they do seem to be thinking outside the box but I disagree with the flexiplan. As a diehard Crusaders supporter I would love to see Carter in the #10 come 2011. Even so I don't think he should have a contract sitting here waiting. If he wants to play in 2011 RWC he should earn his spot like everyone else. Leon McDonald did just that. Went to Japan came back and earned back his AB jersey. Carter should have to the the same. It would also show he still had the motivation and desire. I mean who knows who may come through the ranks in the next 3 years. By then Carter may not be the best.

  4. Youv'e hit he nail on the head there. It won't be very motivational for our up and coming first fives over the next four years knowing that Carter is just going to come home and have a contract waiting for him. Could see them deciding they may as well go overseas and further reduce our playing stocks.

  5. That contract is B.S   give up on the rugby my New zealand brothers,and sisters ,,,support the kiwis and the warriors there not pritsy pratsy sissy boys like the rugby celebrities i mean players

  6. Sorry what a load of bollox.  Carter is an exceptionally talented player no doubts but he has yet to prove any greatness, sure he had  an exceptional series against the Lions but that was some time ago.   I definitely don't agree with one rule for Carter and one rule for everyone else.  Personally I believe Carl Hayman is more of a loss, and what of losing Luke Macallister before he had developed on his potential?  If Carter wants to go, let him go and let's wait and see who steps up to fill the spot admirably.  One rule for all I say.  Sorry!

  7. Definitely not, if he wants to go , let him....

    NZ Rugby, in the past, has had other stars,in all positons, that have left NZ , for greener pastures....and    ALWAYS..a  youngster has put his hand up  and  filled the gap.

    That is the strength on NZ Rugby...

    The weakness is the silly old PC farts in the Rugby Union...;

  8. As much of a fan of Dan Carter as I am, I can't agree with the idea of a flexible contract. Why should he be treated any differently to any other player? If he wants to head offshore that's his choice and our loss, but the NZRU should NOT leave a position open for him. If he isn't going to give anything to NZ rugby, why should it bend over backwards to accomodate him? And also, what is that going to do to up and coming first fives if you effectively say to them "sure, we'll have you in the AB's for a couple of years, but when Dan comes back you'll be shunted aside again."

    Not particularly motivational if you ask me.

  9. If carter wants to go let him....No one else has ever had a contract like this so why should he get one!This problem all comes from 2007s performance in the world cup.Lets get rid of Henry he had he chance, cotton wools not the answer.

  10. There is no heart left in the game.  Part of the NZRFU mandated report on the RWC talked about how a number of senior players in the allblacks decided before the french quater final not to "rev up the boys", they decided to be laid back and save it for the semi's.  LOL.  The coach gave the message for a drop kick whilst we camped the centre of the french 22.  The Captain decided not to and we know the result of that.  Now a days players are professionally minded, thinking about elongivity of careers, money and money.  In the quaters we saw Carter go off with a limp, i remember back in the day All-Blacks getting thier nut sacks ripped open, going off getting it stiched and comming back on to finish, broken arms and other bones being dismissed as a minor nuisiance.  I correct my initial statement ... "There is no heart in the 'professional' game of rugby, players with guts and courage are few and far between".  The saying is true ... "don't ask what Rugby can do for you ... ask what you can do for the game".  Professional player and administration mentalities are corroding the hard working pioneer, tough as guts and twice as hard values of not only our beloved game, but of also that which ties and strengthens our country together with absolute resolve each time the French break our hearts.

    Yes broken hearts ..... atleast the heart is still there in the supporter?

    DC can, will, should do what ever he prioritises as important.  What he decides to do should not force 'us' in to a position, whereas, we must choose between core values and a core player.  My love of the game and the AB's did not start with Daniel Carter, ..... I know with all surety that it won't end after his time either.

  11. Well it can work both ways. On one hand it might demotivate young New Zealand out-halves that Carter will just walk back on the team but on the other hand, it might give Carter good experience in a different rugby environment which could benefit New Zealand's effort in the next world cup.

  12. it's a hard one isn't it, we are doomed if we do and doomed if we don't, the reality of it all though is that there are definitely some fine NZ players overseas that we could still select from for up and coming tours, but the previous gentlemens statement is so right, what would happen to our young players probing for a spot in the all blacks?? as the previous post they to would probably head overseas for a more lucrative career and thus where would that leave our local teams?? our nations game would suffer I believe

  13. thats cos carter is too valuable to the NZRU to let go of. he has a lot more to offer to NZ rugby. thats why they're thinking outside the box.if they thought the same of robbie deans, they would have tried to hold onto him, but they didn't. i don't blame him for taking up the top oz job. the man has too much talent and experience in coaching to hold in. it'd be ironic if he won the cup in 2011.

  14. I don't think he should not be given a flexible contract, if he comes back and proves he is still the best first five then he should be selected. As for it being unmotivational for the next first five I disagree. It gives the next up and comer a chance to nail down that spot over the next couple of years... it could back fire for carter, forms drops, injuries etc. I think its a huge opportunity for Nick Evan's and co and could be the exact motivating factor the next All Black first five. It could also make guys like Luke Mcalister hurry back to take their chances....  unfortunately it is money over the black jersey......

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