
Cartilage piercing hurts like??....?

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does a cartialge piercing hurt as much as when u pinch ur cartilage really hard (getting it done with a needle NOT A GUN)

i want one but scared about the pain

what does it feel like when the needle goes through your ear??

AND is it really bad to get cuz pron to bad infections??




  1. i didnt think it hurt when i got mine done but they did it with but i also got it done with a needle and it felt the same it hurts more later when you sleep on it and you should clean it everyday and remember to turn it

  2. In my experience, they haven't hurt very much at all.  Just stinging, burning, and your ear will feel hot during the process.  It will also be sore for the first few weeks.

    Cartilage takes 6-12 months to fully heal, which can up the chances of infection just because it has such a long healing period.  BUT, actual infections (signs of healing and irritation are commonly confused for infection) in piercings are actually pretty rare and as long as you follow the proper aftercare you shouldn't have any worries.

  3. i've had mine for a super long time and i've never had an infection. it didn't really hurt like a VERY small pinch if anything. and you hear a pop when the needle goes through but thats about it. the worst part for me was actually when they put the earring in when the needle was all ready in.  

  4. Piercing through cartilage hurts a whole lot.

  5. I heard that it hurts really bad! And if you don't take care of it you will get an infection. I hope this helps!

  6. I have 4 cartilage piercings.  They dont hurt that bad and what ever you do DO NOT get it done with a gun.  The gun rips the cartilage in the back of the ear and splitz it.  It is much safer to get it done with a needle so dont listen to those who say use a gun.  But no, the needle it just feels like a quick pinch and can burn a little bit.  I usually feel like my ear gets really got for a little bit and its sore, nothing unbarable.  It takes a little while to heal but as long as you take care of it, it'll do fine.

  7. why arent you getting it with a gun? you should, becuase with a gun it doesnt hurt at allllll. idk about a needle tho. like , it felt less than a prick. i think it hurt less than my first and second hole, which barely even hurt. and no, mine didnt get infected.

  8. it would only hurt for like 30 sec if that. it might feel like a bee sting. but its better to get your ears pierced with a needle then a gun cause it shatters your ears and plus you would get keloids and if you get it done with a needle you don't get them.

    just what ever your body piercer tells you to clean them with and you would be fine

    i got mine navel pierced and honestly i didn't feel a thing. the clamps didn't bother me and i never felt the lady pierce my navel and i never felt her putting the bar bell through my skin and putting the balls on and i was done. it might depends on your pain tolerance.

    i would never get my ears pierced with a gun...

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