
Cartoon Network Channel Change,but why?!?

by Guest32070  |  earlier

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Why is CN going from Channel 48,to 80 and 124,but only to be viewable with Comcast Cable box(which I have in my living room)?

It changes September 18th,2008.Anyone know why?




  1. Get Verizon 227 hasn't changed in 3.5 years

  2. I am just guessing here, so please bear with me:  Maybe Comcast is adding new channels.  Perhaps they are rearranging some lineups in some areas to make it easier for viewers to find the channels.  I know channel lineups vary from region to region and they could be rearranging your area's lineup to fit the viewer's preferences.  I live on San Diego, Ca and Cox cable rearranges a few channels now & then.  They put new channels in, take some out.  I don't know their reasoning, but apparently it's important to them.  

  3. its on channel 32 if u have comcast

  4. your lucky

    in the last couple months my channels have changed twice.

    Cartoon network went from 27, to only god knows what, then to 30.

    but we have a lot more channels now :D

    btw, cable in South Dakota SUCKS!!! lol

  5. Maybe finnacing issues?

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