
Casey Anthony Getting Out of Jail AGAIN! Do You Think Her Civil Rights has been Violated?

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According to the "Annoymous" people who put up the funds for Casey Anthony's 500K bond...feel that Casey's Civil Rights have been Violated. Do you feel the same?




  1. I can not believe someone else is bailing her out of prison. This is crazy with all the evidence pointing towards her having killed her daughter.

  2. Her "Civil Rights Violated"?! Thats one of the biggest crocks! Why hasn't she been charged?! She is a poor excuse for a mother, and why is she being allowed to publicly manipulate the system? Sad to say but from what we've seen in the past few weeks its unlikely this story will have a happy ending.

  3. No. A toddler who never lived to see her third birthday had her rights violated, not Casey Anthony. Usually when someone has a dead body in their car, you can bet it wasn't their rights that have been violated.

  4. NO!!

  5. The only civil rights violated are those of Caylee Anthony.

  6. That sounds like the ACLU.  No I do not think Casey' civil rights have been violate.  

  7. Absolutely not, its just another dramatization in my opinion.

  8. No way she deserves the grief to bad they can not keep her in jail, there waiting to charge her with murder,I'm thinking the people that have bonded her out are not looking out for her well being but using her to there advantage there probably looking for a book deal or movie deal, anyway the truth will come out at one point and she will  be spending time in her orange jumpsuit telling more lies to her fellow inmates,her lies won't work as well in prison like they do with mummy and daddy    

  9. No, I don't feel her rights were violated. The family, attorney and, apparently, the clown who covered her bail believe the way they went about re-arresting her wasn't nice play. The attorney, basically, said if they wanted to charge her, he would bring her in. News flash-she commit a crime, was charged and then arrested like anyone else. Too bad it didn't happen on their terms. They need to get over it. There is nothing special about Casey, except that she is probably the most hated woman in the world right now. If they want to defend rights, they need to start with Caylee. She is the innocent and helpless victim in this whole situation. If anyone in Florida can help with the search, please do so. They are in desperate need.

  10. no

  11. why would I be concerned for her civil rights if she don't care to tell police what she knos about her daughter??

    s***w her and her civil rights!!!

  12. She has the right to go party all night long if she wants.  Now, leave her alone, Guys.  She is a party girl at heart.

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