
Casey Anthony - Innocent or Guilty?

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Not Certain.

You be the judge.




  1. shes guilty of something...but what? She knows something. I have that feeling.

  2. as of now she seems guilty

    what parent would go out partying when their child is missing

  3. guilty as sin

  4. I want to say Guilty as sin.

    HOwever, sometimes the picture isn't always clear.

  5. She is guilty of something... I think we will find that this woman is off in her head somehow.  She knows where her child is and I don't think it is a good place.  She sold her maybe, to support her non working lifestyle, or did away with her herself, to enjoy her own life with no responsibilities.  

  6. I hope they'll look into the details of the "car accident" Caylee's father was killed in. Anyone watch the show "Snapped", where women kill their husbands/boyfriends in all kinds of sneaky ways! There should be TWO investigations going on.

  7. So far, she's guilty of child neglect and lying to authorities....until we know what happened to Caylee and/or where she is....I can't say for certain.  It is quite obvious however, that Casey is hiding something.....the truth!!!    I don't think Casey is in her right mind at the moment......It's so sad.

  8. Poor girl, I think she knows more than what's she's saying.  I'd have to say she is guilty.

  9. I was thinking what HEIDI said too!

  10. Did you ever see the opening scene of the orginal superman movie with Chris Reeves? And all the talking heads say...Guilty, Guilty, Guilty...

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