
Casey Anthony? Who thinks her family should quit talking nice to her and ask her wtf she did with Caylee?

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Casey Anthony? Who thinks her family should quit talking nice to her and ask her wtf she did with Caylee?




  1. I don't know how she get away with all those lies all the time!

    She is costing the county and taxpayers lots of money! Not not mention countless hours of Police officers time in investigation  her case! The Cops could work on other cases and solve them, but instead they have to work on her case!


    I'm watching Nancy Grace right now!

  2. ha I THINK SO. casey anthony is being so shady.... guess i'd be acting like that too if i'd done something to my daughter and knew it'd be found out sooner or later and i'd be spending my life in prison.

    Casey anthony doesn't have anything to lose.. so i don't see why she won't just tell the truth! ughhhhh

  3. This case needs to come to the place of truth..there is so much more that isn't being stated by the mother and the grandparents..because things don't add up with Casey's statements.

  4. Totally, they need to get real and tell that selfish brat to tell them where she is. Whether it be dead or alive, she needs to come home or get a proper burial! They are feeding into her lies by supporting her the way they are, which would be wonderful if she was truly innocent. She is never going to tell the truth as long as they are backing her up.

    Circa 1980 is absolutely correct, I can't think of any family I know that would consistently stand behind her knowing that she possibly did something wrong! They haven't released her yet.. They say possibly by tomorrow afternoon. We'll have to watch and see how that turns out and if it gets them ANYWHERE? I seriously doubt it!

  5. What do you think the silence from cindy is for? its to keep her out trouble, her lawyer is smart enough to know that she is close to telling one of her family members what happened to the baby, so good lord now comes a bondsmen coming from Texas to bond her out, I wonder if he thinks he's Superman?. I hope he's right and can talk her into telling the truth, she knows I just wish I could slap it out of her, its just a matter of time.

  6. Yes, with a ***** slap for good measure. I hope that's what the Padilla bondsmen really want to do -- get her out of jail and out of the protection of the videophone so they can put the hurt on her to talk. Wouldn't have to be physical pain. They probably have psychological tactics to get people and I hope they get her.

    This has taken up too many resources if there is a simple, yet tragic answer.

    I also think her parents need a full psychiatric evaluation.

    Not sure how her brother, Lee, got off so easily.

    Poor Caylee. I think if she is somehow alive, she should be put into the witness protection program or adopted by a nice couple in Canada or somewhere the Anthony's can't f*ck her over anymore. I'd take her but I'd be forever worried that Cindy Anthony would find us. That woman scares me almost as much as Casey.

  7. I do. I would have asked that question a long time ago.  

  8. obviously alot of things are being hidden by both her and the grand who cares about the little..lets take care of the poor partying mother

  9. I kind of agree with Lela A.  But we keep hearing about Casey Anthony being a pathological liar.

    I know if I were Casey Mom wouldn't take MY side!  She'd want to find and protect her Granddaughter!  WTF is wrong with ALL of these people?!

    Does anyone know if she's been released today?  She was supposed to get released on bond from a bondsman traveling from California.

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