
Casey Armstrong, 1/2 Million Dollar Bail in Florida?

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The news says that Leonard Padilla, Bounty Hunter, is going to put up the bail for her possibly Monday, 08/18/08. Where do you think she will go....and what do you think about this case?




  1. Casey Anthony.. Yep, she'll be out in a few days and in my opinion, go back home to Mom & Dad.  She'll be closely monitored so there is really no chance or even opportunity that she will flee.  She's too well known now anyway.  I think she will continue to keep cool under pressure but something, something has got to give.  And she has Mr. Padilla believing her story that Caylee is still alive, so I think it's just going to be more of the same...wait & see and hope & pray....

  2. Armstrong who's that ??...i thought her name was Casey Anthony, i stand corrected if your right...i never heard the name Armstrong until

    i read it answer your question, IF she's bonded out, she will

    be well monitored..ankle..maybe wrist as well, who knows a GPS, up her *** might help us locate this poor innocent little girl..i pray that

    this will be resolved soon, & her being in County jail, just cost us the tax payers here in Florida for her 3 meals a day....They should let her

    out...once  ,,, out something is bound to break and my guess

    much sooner than Later..i honestly feel that ....this will be over

    Thank GOD.

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