The place where we are having our reception has an option for the bar. We can either have just wine and beer, full bar, or cash bar. We did want to pay for something so we are going with the beer and wine since our crowd would probably drink us into debt if we did a full bar(mil's friends know how to drink). Now, we could have wine and beer and display hard alcohol for purchase by the guests. I guess like a half-cash bar. Would that be considered tacky to only pay for beer and wine and guests have to pay for the hard stuff or should we just not have the option of buying hard alcohol and do away with it? I'm sure some guests would bring their own hard alcohol if we tell them we're only paying for beer and wine and not be offended but some might be offended if they show up not knowing the situation and have to pay for hard alcohol since this is their drink of choice if it's an option.