
Cashier check....fraud?

by  |  earlier

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I am selling my car for 9 grand on this Friday. At first, the buyer agreed to pay all cash, but later I got a call said he is willing to pay half for cash and half for Cashier's Check because he say he wants to have some documents to prove that he buy the car. We agree to go to his bank and wait for the Cashier's check together in the front desk, and then he and I go to my bank and deposit the full amount in the front desk. Then we signed the paper. I don't know buyer before and I have heard of Cashier check scam. Is it safe that we process the trading this way? How can I do to make sure the Cashier check is real?




  1. If you were at the bank when the teller handed him the check, the only way it could be a scam would be if the teller were in on it too. That would be rather unlikely, as she would get arrested pronto.

    Plus, it would be really weird for a scammer to be willing to pay you $4500 in cash. Anyway, as soon as he gives you the check, you should be able to turn around and cash it while at HIS bank.

  2. A Cashiers check from a bank is just like cash.  In order to get the cashiers check he has to give the money up front.  

    I would not have him go with you to your bank, I would not want someone I do not know looking over my shoulder like that.  You can cash that cashiers Check there at his bank with 2 forms of ID.  

    On a side note, I believe this has been said already, but you need to make a Sales Contract stating that;

    (you the seller) are selling your vehicle (make, model and year) to (the buyers name) fo the amount of (-------) paid (how it is paid)  That the vehicle is being sold AS IS.  

    Then both parties need to sign and date and each party needs to have a copy.  Then you need to sign over the title to him YOU fill out all information and make a copy for your own records!!

  3. Yikes

  4. I assume you've drafted a proper sales contract, in which he signs, you sign and a witness signs, three copies, which states the information, the car being sold as is, and the value he paid. That should be all the proof he needs. It will also protect you.

    You should be ok if you go to his bank and cash it there on the spot. Otherwise be careful.

  5. the cashier's check is real. it is like a money order. he has to have the funds in his account for him to get the cashier check. go with him as scheduled and everything will be fine.

  6. I wouldn't make the sale to him. He can have you write up a document/contract of sale as proof of purchasing the vehicle. It seems rather sneaky. Be very careful, and if it is legitimate, then cash the cheque at his bank, while he is there. Do all the research you can!

  7. here is the thing u can go with him to the bank a deposit the check and the banker will tell its fine and after several days the check was a scam..and if he said he wants some document for a prove so he is a scam because u write how much he paid u for the car in the back of the title so i dont understand what kind of documents he needs ..and if that the issue offer him a writting from u selling the car to him and u will the bank if he said no he is a scam plus in the title the amount is written in the back and u will sign for it freind there is something dont smell good here be carefull

    this how chashier checks work its a serial number generated from a bank ..the bank take this serial numbers and entered in the system and wait for a response from the other take to days. he is a scam

    man dont take the risk...cashier checks are like cash when he go with u to the bank ask the banker if he can cash it for u right in the spot and see what the banker will tell u..and u will see that i am right...good luck

  8. Since you are doing it together at the bank, I don't see the problem with it.  If the teller is doing it right in front of your eyes, then it won't be fraudulent.

    If the buyer just came and dropped off a cashier check for you, then I guess with all of the scams happening these days, you have a right to be paranoid.

    But the teller is doing it's real.

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