
Casino hallway/retreat conversations?

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Hi, im a guy btw

i just got a job with wynn las vegas and im really excited, i just moved out so im getting used to the different ppl and the different worth ethics

before i graduated high school {only a couple months ago} i remember walking to classes and alwayz having someone to talk to, saying hi to heapz of different ppl, giving hugs and kisses, joking, stuff like that and i felt really good because i was friends with most ppl in the school, im sure u kno the feeling, but since i got here i havent had the confidence i used to haev just to go up and talk to random ppl

deep down i want to make friends with ppl, but now-a-dayz i get nervous and just shut myself of, which is a terrible way to live, and i really want to change more than anything

anywayz i kno im not gonna be able to tackle ppl into the walls or race to service, but when i walk down the halls i want to kno ppl, i want to say hi to ppl, i want to make little relationships with everyone i work with, and brighten their day by a small conversation

but i feel like i need help cause if i dont change im just gonna close myself of.

just some basic things i need help with, like if someones in the staff reterat shud i try to talk to them, or just laeve them, and if im walking down the hallz and i see someone random shud i say hi...etc

im sure someones overcome something like this so i wud be extremely greatful if u helped me

oh and im terrified that im gonna become that weird guy u hate talking to and u almost feel forced to be polite and listen, we've all met these creepers

thankyou soooo much




  1. The golden rule for finding your way in a new job is ...

    "Listen much ... talk little."

    Seems simple, huh?  It really IS simple.  

    Keep your head up, smile, say hello.  Don't assume friendship or familiarity ... you'll make friends, sure, but at first, you're the "new guy" and people are trying to figure out what you're like and where you fit in!

    Be approachable, but don't approach ... above all, commit to being a great team-player.  Do your best at your job, and before long your co-workers will warm up to you.

  2. just chill, you had to meet people in school first, before they were your friends. It will be the same at work. Just relax, with 10, 000 employees, someone will talk to you and become friends.

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