Johnny said something that got me thinking. How many of you out there think that having "fun" and taking the game "seriously" are two opposing forces? How many of you believe that the game becomes more fun if you take it more seriously? I ask this because it seems that a lot of people think that pool excellence has to be a joyless pursuit. It also seems that there's a belief out there that so-called "better" players look down on those who don't take the game as seriously as they do. There have been a lot of questions lately about rules and like Johnny, I happen to be a purist. I like the idea of getting everybody on the same page, from the top down. This is why we take the rules (and the game) seriously. The more that the rules vary from place to place, the more it really becomes apples and oranges, in some cases almost a completely different game. For instance, if you don't get ball in hand after a foul, it completely negates safety play. M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.