
Cat's urine is orange

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my cat has been urinating all over the house for a couple of weeks now, and she was just sitting on the couch and i thought she was about to pee and i picked her up and there were a couple of drops of a liquid and it was like orange color.... what could this all mean?




  1. She has a serious urinarytract infection, probably. She needs antibiotics. Either give her baytril or Synulox for 2 weeks dosed  according to her weight and the instructions on the box, or take her or a urine sample to the vet for a urinalysis. Also make sure she eats wet food, it's better, and that she drinks extra water as well.

    PS. If you give her antibiotics on your own, if the symtoms don't stop in 3-4 days, take her to the vet, it means they are not working.

  2. You had best take her to a vet because she probably has FUS-feline urologic syndrome.  This is like a bladder infection, and she will need to take meds for it.

  3. It sounds very concentrated.  Does she drink much water?

    Get her to the vet!! My daughter's cat had a similar problem, seemed to have difficulty urinating which she tried to do frequently but could only get out a little at a time.

    Turned out she had a urinary tract blockage. Fortunately we caught it in time. Now she gets a special diet.

  4. Hi Brooke... your cat may have  feline lower urinary tract disorder (FLUTD) which will require antibiotics to help alleviate the symptoms and discomfort.  One of the common symptoms of FLUTD is urinating inappropriately outside of the litter box.  Hematuria (blood in urine) requires immediate attention as it could become life-threatening.

    More about Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disorder :

  5. Looks like it may be liver disease:

    "Gallstones are rarely seen in cats, but are sometimes found incidentally when the cat is examined for another disease. A cat who does have symptoms may show icterus and dark yellow or orange urine. It may have poor appetite, weight loss, vomiting, and dehydration."

    You'll want to take her to the vet and ask them to perform a urinalysis. I hope it's nothing to worry about, but you do need to be safe. If she's been urinating in places other than her litter box, it's probably because she's experiencing pain.
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