

by  |  earlier

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My cat is about 3-4 months old. She right now, all of a sudden started breathing hard, she was just sitting calmy so its not from running around. She began to stick out her tounge and pant. Now she is napping but her stomache is going up and down faster than usually meaning shes breathing harder, HELP?!




  1. Im not trying to be rude but please  get off the computer and call for help!! my prayers are with you!

  2. stop sitting in front of a computer and go to the vet! asap

  3. I'm not saying those guys are wrong...but when my cat first arrived at my house he panted like crazy. He's still kicking 4 years later...well, he's rather fat though lol. But he doesn't act like he's going to keel over ^_^

  4. Well, yes, obviously the answer is to go to the vet immediately. If this is really concerning you, that is your only option. If you just call the vet, they will tell you to bring the kitten in, anyway.

    If the issue is money, well... you'd have to give up your cat, but you could bring her in and say you found her on the side of the road. Many vets will care for strays (do NOT go to the pound or Humane Society, they will just euthanize her).

    Best of luck.

  5. Must agree. Get her to a vet. NOOOW. That's how my kitty died. D:  

  6. Panting in cats can indicate heart problems, asthma, or heat stroke.  Get her to vet immediately.

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